“Percikan Agama Cinta”: Telah Seberapa Banyak Kebaikan Kita Tebarkan?

So, I keep moving through the passage of time to pick up Your grace. No word stuck for a creature called human.
JERNIH– My Brother,
In that silent night, I stood staring up at the sky. Contemplating a life’s journey: what’s wrong in life? Then what humanitarian investments have I done so far? Is that enough to stock me home? Keep on doing good. Honor your fellow human beings.

God, let me greet you with love. I realize, with the power of your love, you can not leave me in the puddle of darkness .. So, I keep moving through the passage of time to pick up Your grace. No word stuck for a creature called human.
Because I know your grace is unlimited. Move! Optimistic! Take your mercy with a smile, wherever I am. God is Great. [Deden Ridwan]